Road Map
Phase 1 - Order book Exchange
NevDEX Exchange deployed on Godwoken Testnet & Mainnet. All major features will be launched at this stage and delivered to all users for use on the Testnet first. This will demonstrate the product features to the community and allow for rapid feedback and iteration.After testnet launch NevDEX Exchange will be deployed on Godwoken Mainnet.
In this phase, concrete actions to be completed include:
Completion of security audits involving multiple third-party institutions for circuits and smart contracts.
Fixing technical issues.
Performance and throughput testing, tuning.
Improvement of platform security and optimization of trading fees.
Phase 2 - Yield Farming
Yield Farming contract deployed on Godwoken Testnet & Mainnet. Open farms to all community user.Collect feedback from community and iteration.
In this phase, concrete actions to be completed include:
Completion of security audits involving multiple third-party institutions for yield farm smart contracts.
Fixing technical issues.
Phase 3 - NFT
A unique NFT collection designed exclusively for NevDEX users.
As NevDEX's product offerings expand and the ecosystem grows, we plan to introduce additional utilities and privileges for NFT holders. Currently, the core utilities encompass but are not confined to:
NFT as bridge ticket
Trading fee discount
Phase 4 - Cross-chain Order book Exchange
Bring interoperability to NevDEX platform allowing users to trade assets from different chains.
In this phase, concrete actions to be completed include:
Establish cross-chain orderbook exchange capability on BSC. Allow user to trade different assets between Godwoken and BSC.
Cross-chain contracts deployed on BSC & Godwoken and matching engine supports Cross-chain orders match.
Last updated